Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My day...

It is cold.  We’re having our first frost advice for tonight with temperatures in the mid 30’s at their pick low.  Pitiful… and ridiculous, that still this late in the season I’m going through yet another bout of poison ivy.  My last one, I hope, of the year.  Augrrhh!

My potted ferns are all inside now for the winter; safely tucked under the north and east facing windows…

This morning the house smelled of hazelnut latte and cinnamon buns.  I sat in the warmth of our sun-room made into a dinning-room and watched the birds as they engaged in their morning feast under a pink sky.  Not to mention maple trees and the hickory and oaks thinned and enchanted everywhere, calling you in strange hunting songs, like an old singing women with scrawny crimson arms….

The Privet residence is intricate and full of twists and sinuous bends, and as leaves start to fall down suggesting the colors of oaks and maples, all the little creatures who live there start to come out too… one by one they come—to experiment beyond their own freedom, to seek refuge.

I don’t know which of the two feral cats that have claimed our little white cottage as their own have found a bed in the settee I have in the front porch, but I can tell one of them sleeps there, for I keep finding cat’s hair and dirt on every pillow and cushion I insist on keep washing or replacing.  I suppose this pattern will continue and I might as well get used to the idea of no rewards whatsoever… for I don’t think that neither of these lovely creatures I’m feeding will ever let me pet them.

The last of the winds and rains that passed thru our garden last week knocked down the tall zinnias, which persist on remaining low to the ground.  Do you prune your zinnias at the end of the summer?  Or let them be?

 “Why must people kneel down to pray? 
If I really wanted to pray I’ll tell you what I'd do. 
I'd go out into a great big field all alone 
or in the deep, deep woods 
and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky 
that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. 
And then I'd just feel a prayer.” 
(Anne of Green Gables)


  1. Oh Cielo I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through the torture of poison ivy again. I hope it will pass quickly! I think zinnias don't need to be pruned, they're annuals so they complete their cycle, set seed and quietly die off by themselves. I've never had zinnias live more than one season even in my warm year round climate. You just have to pull them out when they become unsightly. The good thing is that they produce alot of seeds and will reseed themselves. The kitty pictures are adorable. They're so curious, aren't they?

    1. Oh thank you for the tip on zinnias... thank you! I'm so hoping they'll reseed and fill my little world...


  2. First frost! It seems early for the South! I'm sorry about the poison ivy. It is so miserable. I think there is a shot for it, but I'm not sure of its safety. I believe my husband used to get the shot. Love the cats. It's so catlike of them to stay distant! Hugs!

    1. I hear we're bound to another cold winter in our South part of the state... I can hardly believe it... what is it? Did winter decided to moved South with me or did I bring it with me? ;)

      Love ya


  3. This morning I left cookie crumbs (link) for my Dear Readers, to your magical "Hollow Woods" blog... As an example of the perfect magical, whimsical, imaginative, lovely kind of a blog, which I so enjoy visiting.

    Happy rest of Autumn,
    "Here there be musing" blog
    "Here there be whimsey" blog
    "Here there be more words" blog

    1. Ohhhh, thank YOU! I am so humbled and I thankful to YOU, for this nice deed.



  4. Oh no! My son in law had poison ivy earlier this year. We heard Preparation H would cure it. He tried it at night and by morning it was almost gone. I don't know if it was the hemorrhoid cream that did it but... it seemed to be.
    I really love reading your blog. It feels very much like a dear beloved book that warms my heart over and over again.

    1. Haha... it sounds funny, but I did take your advise and used hemorrhoid cream this morning... hope it was a clean tube! ;) :) I'll let you know if it worked! ;)


  5. The kitties are very pretty. The tuxedo cat (black with white chest) is so regal looking and the black/white cat is also pretty.
    Sorry that you had frost already. I thought you were in Florida and that it didn't get that cold. We have almost 90 degrees today and I will be glad when we get our Fall, if we every do.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Oh is that what's he's called?--the Tuxedo cat... so cute! That Shall be his name. Tuxedo.

      Thank you Mary!



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