Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome September!

The beginning of September... already!
Can you believe it! 

And days are whirling magical...

Clouds linger over giant trees, sunshine over my head...

Dancing in circles under the canopies of privets...

Dreams, wishes, miracles, magic indeed!

Late summer gypsy days do beckon

In the garden...

Magic ensues...

Long flowing skirts do this, you see.


Fairy tales come to visit.

Tales to tell, mysteries deep in the magical woods...

Weeding, deadheading, gathering petals too...

Playing gypsy in the gypsy room...

Perfect for imagination and dreams and gypsy songs 

On certain days

Just like today

Gathering greens in the garden too...

Herbs like menta and basil a bunch

For our Tofurky (vegetarian tofu) basil pasta dinner...


Outside, magic, magical!

Nature speaks to your soul,

hummingbirds in your hair...

Keep dancing, Gypsy Girl!

Fairy wing brush your cheek

in a sudden feather of a moment...

Inaudible, invisible?

Oh but you know 

You know they are there!  

Can you see them?

Over there!

There there!!

Can you not hear them?

They're singing a rather curious and enchanting song...

Go ahead... dream, dance, and take the magic with you, OK?

And please, never ever stop dreaming!

Happy September, everyone!



  1. Che belle immagini!Nel tuo blog si sogna sempre!Dolce anche la musica!Buon mese di Settembre!Rosetta

  2. Happy September to you! I love your blog!

  3. Simply magical, you create a storybook Hansel and Gretel wonderland.

  4. What an enchanting post. Your meal looks delicious, Cielo!

  5. Beautiful. That first photo, with the turquoise shutter, just sends me! :)

  6. Goosebumps here Cielo. What a pretty start to September. Lots of love, Mimi xxx

  7. Another month closer to Fall as the little gypsy girl dances in her mystical garden, skirts twirling and leaves swirling in the air. I love your musical addition. please, who is signing and what is the name of the song. So pretty to my ear has an medieval sound to it.

    1. Buy the selected items together

      This item: Fairy of the Woods ~ Gary Stadler Audio CD $11.25

      Fairy Heart Magic ~ Gary Stadler Audio CD $11.19

      Fairy Night Songs ~ Singh Kaur Audio CD $12.99


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