Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Home Is Where the Heart is?

Is it really ‘home is where the heart is’?  I have to wonder sometimes about this idiom.   I know, I believe that a house is just a house, that a home is where your family, your love, your memories are.  But it comes a day in everyone’s life when things change, and the heart finds a new place, new beginnings, a new sparkle in life when all of a sudden you come to realize that what you had once considered 'home', it is not anymore.  It took me years to learn this.  Even after I moved away from my parent’s home and even as I worked on building up my own little nest, I always considered my parent’s home my true home.  That’s where my memories and heart resided for as long as I could remember.    

Home to me is a very dear place and I have grown to understand that my heart it really lives wherever my physical home is… wherever it may be.  And thus, this is home.  A home away from everyone we so dearly love, and care for, home in this strange and unfamiliar little town away from the customary and the habitual, time-honored places that represent so much to us, and yet… it is home.  My nest, my refuge, my place of rest.  I am so delighted to be back to that comfort and warmth… my home. 

 See you soon with some new stories!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Home! You are so very fortunate to have reached the feeling of being home in your home. I've not got there yet. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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