Sunday, January 22, 2017

On a rainy sunday...

The rains are upon us.  It is the season of magic in a thousand silver liquid drop.  It is a lullaby sent from heaven, a singing pool on the birdbaths.  Rain—the little sleep song on my ear at night.  Do you love rain too?

Yesterday morning we drove to a neighboring little town for breakfast and on the way there a storm unfolded... the skies, laden with a heavy rain opened up its fountains and it turned our world gray and stormy.  Cloudy sheets blinded our vision in a thousand dream, and we followed the rain imagining the world being some ancient great cathedral where treasured pieces were displayed like holy relics. Trees, cars, the rivulets of rain on the windshield, the fathomed winding road ahead... everything was priceless in the enchantment of the moment...  

It has been another dark-gray rainy day today in the little white cottage.  Little lights are being turned on because it is so dark inside it feels like night, although it is only four o'clock.  Outside the windows the world unfolds dreamy and silent; except for the angry rumblings of thunder in the far horizon from time to time.  I am terrified by thunder and lighting, yet I find something magical and exciting in it.  My soul must share some hidden similarities with thunder? 

You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light...

Before it started raining this afternoon, there, in the garden, materialized a most lovely vision... a round, super big sorts of a furry vision that is!  One I'd never seen around here before, but it surely knew how to keep my heart skipping a happy bit and running around the house in search of my camera, whilst praying it will stay put for a little bit longer until I could get my lenses ready...

I was thrilled would you not!  Such big cat too!  Perfectly round and colored in a most lovely honey-vanilla fur.  What shall I name him, I wonder!

The Fisherman saw him first and at that first glance thought it was a dog. You should had heard him calling me ever so excitedly to come see 'another dog roaming your gardens... hahaha!  I adore him... both the man and the cat. 

I want to always be able to enjoy the little moments in my life; to never lose this zest for the usual and the everyday little things that are so important and awe-inspiring to me.  Life isn't easy for anyone, but we most purposefully seek out the beauty in the seemingly trivial if we want to be happy. So alas, go find your own rainbow my friend.  Look around you!  I know you'll find it.

Have a lovely week everyone!


  1. Ohhhhh, what a big new boy!!!!!

    He seems like a "boy", doesn't he? And he also seems like a well-fed-boy! :-)

    Yes, enjoy every small and large joyful moment. How silly, not to?!?

    Many hugs and blessings,
    Luna Crone

    1. Oh yes... he is a BOY alright.. I took many other pics where you can surely see that!... haha!


  2. Such lovely images, Cielo! I always enjoy a visit to your blog, to read about and see a little bit of your world.

    1. Thank you Cynthia... what an honor. Please come back again soon!


  3. Oh what a handsome fellow! I think I can even see his little pink tongue. He reminds me of the Cheshire Cat. Maybe next time he'll flash a grin for the photo. It looks like he enjoys the serenity of your garden as much as you do!

    1. Ohhhhh, the Cheshire Cat visiting my gardens!! I love love that thought!!! ;)
      Time for some renewed magic around here indeed! And oh yes, I now know what the name of that handsome fellow is... ;) Thank YOU!



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