Sunday, July 9, 2017


The months of July, and August in the south—what a big disappointment they are to me.  And nature is gobbling up the garden.  Overgrown tree branches cram flowerbeds merciless, lianas and woody vines hung down from trees forming living curtains above roses and elephant ears, defeating space, and overpowering their beauty, and the amount of weed, heat, mosquitoes and creatures that suck up your blood the minute you're out!—it all escapes the best of my efforts in trying to maintain the garden looking the way I'm used to, and want to.   I bleakly dub the south "compassionless"!  Would I do this again? I mean, would I create another garden in this dismay of a place?

When we moved to the south, I remember someone asking me if I was planning on creating another garden here, just as I'd done at the house in the roses, to which I responded immediately without the smallest hesitation... of course I would!  Well, ask me again! 

I remember wishing for longer summers and mellower temperatures when living at the house in the roses.  I remember wishing for a longer season to live my life in the garden, more lunches and dinners al fresco, more flowers and pleasures with Nature outside, and the saddest thing was, I truly believed I was to live my dream here in the south... what a disappointment it's been!  Yes, we have a longer planting season here, longer days, warmer days, a lot of flowers, but what's all this good for, when you can't enjoy it?

I know my feelings will dramatically turn around comes spring again, which is my favorite season here in the south, and the only time one can go out and still feel comfortable, but right now I'm rendered helpless. My little gardener's heart had been letdown and I'm disillusioned.  This wild nature of the south is claiming my precious garden for its own, and I have lost my desire to reclaim it back. Weeds and mosquitoes are nature's flotsam, and anarchists around here, and I am definitely finding myself drawn to a different botanical lifestyle... As it is, I'm already ready to put the south on my past, and move on again! 



  1. This reminds me of a joke my grandfather loved to tell. He was not anti-God but a bit anti-Church. The joke: A preacher came across a hot, dirty, and exhausted gardener/farmer one night after the old farmer had spent the day from dawn hoeing and chopping weeds. The preacher boomed, "This is a lovely garden you and THE LORD have grown." The farmer slowly looked at the shoulder high rows of corn and the head high stacks of pulled weeds and overgrowth from the hedges... He slowly remarked, "Thank you kindly, but you should have seen it when God had it by Himself."

    Love you!

  2. “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
    ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

  3. It's been quite sometime since my last visit to your lovely blog; your words like Poetry and the photos of tranquil places in your little corner of the Wide World.
    As I read back through the last few posts I realize your life has gone through some Deep Places recently. Much like my last four years, actually. You, however, are verbalizing the hurt, beginning to recognize the Darkness and using your lovely words to tell us.
    Healing words that held me when no one around me could, quoted at the beginning of dear Elisabeth Eliot's radio broadcast every day......precious scriptures that still bring me comfort. I pray they will for you also........

    "“‘You are loved with an everlasting love,’ that’s what the Bible says, ‘and underneath are the everlasting arms.’”
    ~from Jeremiah 31:3 and Deuteronomy 33:27a KJV


    1. Thank you thank you... what a heartfelt comment and words you have left here for me to read, and trust and put my faith completedly in God... I truly appreciate your words and encouragement. It means a lot to me...

      Hugs, and prayers...



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