Monday, January 25, 2016

The house in the roses

“One of the strange things about living in the world is that it is only now and then one is quite sure one is going to live forever and ever and ever. One knows it sometimes when one gets up at the tender solemn dawn-time and goes out and stands out and throws one's head far back and looks up and up and watches the pale sky slowly changing and flushing and marvelous unknown things happening until the East almost makes one cry out and one's heart stands still at the strange unchanging majesty of the rising of the sun--which has been happening every morning for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. One knows it then for a moment or so." ― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden.

Then, your eyes would focus onto those snow dusted mountains on the far horizon and, all of a sudden you hear a small roar within you, and you know it is your little heart being filled with a marvelous sense of adventure and morning joyfulness and thanksgivings.  Then, you'd remember where you woke up that morning and where you are... and what you feel and see make you want to retrace your steps and go back in time to the past... back to the house in the roses and the garden you loved... 

“However many years she lived,
Mary always felt that 'she should never forget
that first morning when her garden began to grow'.”
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

She lived in another girl’s time. 
But she knew all too well that the past
was not something she could live in…
like a well-loved house; like her favorite shoes.

She knew she could always find magic anywhere she'd look
even in places where there was not much to see...
Even in a garden that had fallen under a bad spell... 
where roses slumbered and trees had gone onto a long sleep…

Cause magic it really is in you
...when you hold it like a light within you

And believe that you carry all of the power you need inside yourself already

“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.”  ― Nora Roberts

And so the girl said her goodbyes to the garden she had loved...

And to the house keeper of old secrets...

And took back onto her journey without regrets…
pockets-full of magic to take with her...
wherever she may go...

"I address you all tonight for who you truly are: wizards, mermaids, travelers, adventurers, and magicians. You are the true dreamers.” ― Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret

See you soon friends!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

On a cold January day

Oh baby it's so cold around here! So cold, that I go about my chores 'round our little white cottage fully clad in my winter clothes.... zebra gloves and all...

Birds are nowhere to be seen these days

Life unfurls dark under the gray veil of late January, and it's easy to feel depressed by the lack of sunshine... I know I do.

On days like these, I just have to remember what the great Wizard Maddoc taught me a thousand years ago one day.

"Dear child, said the wizard, happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light".

So I am turning on as many lights as I can find... starting with those called "imagining", and "dreaming" and "laugh a lot".

Do you feel a need to turn on those special little lights in your life sometimes too?  Oh I know I do. If you want my advise, start by turning on the 'believe' light, followed by the "imagining" and onto "creating your own special little fairy tale" light, whenever you need it...

Don't ever let anyone tell you that fairy tales aren't real.  No sir!  I drink a potion made from magic beans every day, and it transports me right into Neverland!  It all has to do with your hand, and the way you stir your magic potion...

If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colors suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colors become vivid and clear... then, just in one heavenly moment you realize what you're seeing...  It's Peter Pan's Mermaids' Lagoon!  You might even see the surf and hear the mermaids singing, and if you want, you can even become one with the mermaids too!  As for me, oh I decide I'd rather be Wendy!

I hope you enjoyed (the clip) my little dream by the Mermaids' Lagoon ;).  Ok ok... enough non-sense for now!  Tomorrow, we're heading north to the house in the roses.  Of all seasons we had to choose the worse of winter to visit, of course.  Can you believe it!  You go figure! 

I'll be going by the house in the roses to check on my old friend, the garden and will come back and keep you posted on what I'll find there! Would you come by to say hello? Oh I do hope so! And if you live in the WA area, please do remain safe and warm during that awful winter storm that's to come tonight.  I hate winter. Do you love winter? 

See you soon my friend!



Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Of winter and life...

Blue winter light..

The bluish tinted morning light 
coming through the dinning room windows 
tells the story outside...

Everything look and sound unreal. 
Nothing is what it is. 

And too cold for even angels to fly... 
Winter storm warning cold... like in the 16's - 17's in the early morning 

Halfway down the path you can’t see this house. You’d never know it was here. Or any of the other places down the hill...  

I go about the house in my comfy pjs turning on all the little lights I can find...

The flickering lamp of the will-o'-the-wisp 
twinkling on indoor plants

Imitating the atmospheric ghost lights seen in the gray fog outside...

Breakfast time equals enchantment, and special moments

"Up at dawn, the dewy freshness of the hour, the morning rapture of the birds, the daily miracle of sunrise, set her heart in tune, and gave her Nature's most healing balm." ~Louisa May Alcott.  

Then out of thin air, I see him materialized...
Oh over there, see him there?
at the end of the garden!

My heart skips a bit as he approaches the window looking for me,
(so I want to believe...)

Ah yes, "Winter" the cat, has return to the garden after that terrible fight
...back in its own renewed precious glory!  

I follow his shadow as he wanders the garden, 
believing he's trying to tell me something.  

And perhaps he has...  

“If someone is strong enough to bring you down, 
show them you are strong enough to get back up.” – (Unknown)

Don't give up...
accept what it was,
let go of the past
and move on!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Winter days in the cottage

Playing with jewelry in the cozy little white cottage...

Adding more necklaces to the beautiful neck...

The old gypsy woman is in town...  
the dream interpreter takes the girl's hands 
and begins chanting a Gypsy prayer... 

Outside the wind is growling...
bitter cold in the morning,
sunshine and warmth in bright blue sky afternoons...

Fairies appear under the mellow twilight
Magic ensues...


Enchanting my hours...


 and not so real....

Real or faux?  

...whenever I can't find roses in my garden
I love mixing dried and silk

Petals, real...

Dried red roses from anniversaries past...
faux coral ranunculus..
Go ahead, mix them up
Don't be afraid!     

I know that some home decorators are against the idea of using fake flowers
But the free-spirited, love them however they come....
Flowers are a feel good accessory for any room.
Contrasting colors add a nice pop...

What are your feelings on decorating with artificial plants & flowers? 
Feel free to share your tips on using them in your decor!

See you soon!



Sunday, January 10, 2016

Decorating with color for the winter

What is your style when it comes to decorating your home? It seems that, in winter, I am an absolute bohemian.   I crave light, and because I'm not getting any inspiration from the garden either as far as color goes, I also yearn for colors in a huge amounts... 

Back to the Wall
Back to the Wall
Right now, I'm liking walls painted in teal colors and navy blues...

I'm also loving white slip-covered sofas with lots of colorful pillows embellishing it.
Although my decorating taste is always evolving, 
I think I will always love white slip-covered sofas

I'm craving color, but in my house I'm still sticking to the black-white patterned loveliness I adore...

Might have to bring in some colorful pillows for the winter though...

And my spray-painted Mason jars
to hold a posy or two from the market

It's been super cold and gloomy around here for days, 
and I can't hardly wait for the return of light and sunshine to my little patch of earth... 
in the mean time I continue dreaming and making great plans for the spring garden... 

What are you up to these days?  
Cold where you are?  
I hope you're keeping warm and happy 
wherever you are my friend...