Monday, August 18, 2014

My morning...

Soothing, refreshing, enchanting sound… Rain.  We woke up to that—to the sinuous and magical heaviness hanging gently from musky skies; the smell of wetness, all-embracing and wonderful renewing wetness, and marigold scents wafting from the earth as the music of rain entered the soul, calming it, sweeping away any dullness left by the darkness of night.      

And inside—that extraordinary coziness and sense of comfort only true to rainy days… little lights twinkling here, drawing magical forms on walls over there…. always lifting up the spirit; scattering away any despondencies left untamed… like glimmering imps dancing in the ghostly light of morning…

I go around the house listening to the sound of rain.  Tú eres la luz que alumbró las tinieblas”—sings the voice in my CD player. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not” (John 1:5).  

Kitty hasn’t discovered his way to me yet… I’m still trying.

I am but a speck of dust drifting in the storms of this world.  No.  I am a raindrop resonating in the silent, like little bells of hope and tiny lights of faith…

How could I look at anything in this world
and tremble, and grip my hands over my heart?
What should I fear?

One morning
in the leafy green ocean
the honeycomb of the corn's beautiful body
is sure to be there. 

(Little Summer Poem Touching The Subject Of Faith by Mary Oliver)




  1. Good morning to you my nice for your garden to have some rain water, especially your roses! Your vignettes are beautiful. Fairy lights are the best lighting in my opinion! Blessings, Rachel.

    1. Ah the garden after the summer rains—a resurrection. Suppleness, gorgeousness and life, a renewal of life and liveliness and green up to the edges of the world… truly lovely and amazing to me…


  2. Oh... When Christmas decorations begin to be shown, I must get more Faerie Lights!!!!! :-)


    1. Oh but you don't have to wait until Christmas... you can find them anywhere... Lowes, Home Depot... I get mines at Big Lot... awesome price and lovely little fairy lights scattering shadows...


  3. Cielo, I love all your photos. I like that you have tucked cute little things throughout your gardens. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

    1. Oh yes, I love hiding little treasures all over my garden... it surely makes the world seem a little bit sweeter.


  4. Cielo, tu siempre compartes un mundo lleno de enorme belleza y tus palabras me inspiran a fijarme en las cosas simples y pequenas de la vida. Tu manera de describir la lluvia es para estar en cuentos de adas. Tu jardin esta cada dia mas hermoso mi querida amiga. Que Dios de bengiga hoy y siempre. Eres un ser especial.

    Espero que puedas visitar mi pagina pronto.



    1. Gracias mi amiguita... que alegría siento siempre que te veo por aquí

      Te mando un abrazo


  5. You have" magical" faith. Keep believing... As for Kitty...She'll come around. She's teasing you. Jenny S. (added initial S. I've noticed someone else has been commenting as Jenny on some of the other blogs I visit.)

    1. Hi Jenny S... What I've discovered is that intimate connection and communication with our Creator is what really makes magical faith…



  6. The greenery looks so crisp and fresh all covered in raindrops and I can almost smell the delicious scent of the damp earth after the rain. I am positively intrigued by that wispy, foggy mist that seems to be rising upwards from the ground and hovering in front of the entrance to the dark woods in the second photo.
    Tienes un don muy especial querida Cielo, no solo has sido capaz de crear un lugar increiblemente magico sino que tambien eres capaz de describirlo con palabras aun mas magicas! Abrazos!

    1. Pretty creepy, doesn’t it… I only discovered that foggy mist in the photograph the minute I posted it here and have ever since wondered myself what could it be… I want to think is something to do with fog getting on my lenses, but oh the stories I have… ;)

  7. Grazie della visita al mio blog!Dolcissimo il tuo blog,divento follower!Ciao!

  8. L'altro tuo blog è sempre stato tra quelli piu' belli che ho amato vedere!
    E' bello rivedere i tuoi post!

    1. Ah Rosetta.... la ringrazio molto e benvenuti nel mio blog!


  9. Eres toda una poetisa, que bello que escribes en ambos idiomas, de verdad deberias incursionar en escribir poemas sobre todo lo bello que te inspira, como la lluvia...yo amo la lluvia, nunca me quejo de ella y donde vivo llueve bastante, tenemos 4 rios grandes que recorren en el medio de la ciudad.
    I love your beautiful post today. I so loved your visit, you made my day.
    Please take care Cielito Lindo.

  10. Lovely post. The words are awesome and the photos are, too!

  11. Beautiful photos and lovely music.

  12. Hola cielo es la primera vez que entro a tu pagina y que he quedado impresionada con tanto talento, bellas las fotos y muy inspiradora la forma que tienes de expresarte y describirlo todo lo que pones es como si estuviera ahi mismo, que Dios te bendiga para que sigas siendo de inspiracion para todos, un abrazo.
