Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chasing shadows...

Wonderful, cooling breezes leading me on an early morning journey—through the garden.    

And once there…

Teasing shadows, scattering thoughts as I go round searching for clues...
Clues left behind by Nature’s workforce for me to discover…

A golden-blue feather here... there a tiny speck of a polished pebble incarcerated amongst roots, like a faultless fallen star in some emerald dream. A new flower, a tiny white flower like an unpolluted pearl sleeping in yielding green leaves of morning glories… is it supposed to be there?     

Wanderer of dreams, jotting down magical stories too, as I go about the garden proclaiming each happening in my little paradise a miracle.  Recognizant of the grandeur above and all round me… conscious, too, of all that’s new, the old, the good and the not so good… each new seed sprouting, each bud unfolding, each bug inhabiting my domain.  And from time to time, as I go about doing this, stopping to just look up and see…

See the unseen—evidences unseen... hidden treasures revealed only to those who really wants to see… the Seekers. “But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find Him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul” (Deuteronomy 4:29). 

What strength does she have? Does she own the wildness? Does she own the wild woods inside of her?  Her heart is like a singing bird... but only because she knows the music Maker.  And so can you!

Oh but we most go inside now... really, we should!  Do you hear it?  It has started raining again!  And it looks we're bound for a storm this time... a gale of thunder.  Would you like to come in and join me for some tea to warm us up while the storm succeeds?  No. I have a better idea! Well, come on in!...

"Una tasita de café"A demitasse cup of espresso

A mid-afternoon standard around here!

Traditionally taken without milk

Which is customarily preferred for either breakfast or late night fare

But you certainly can have yours as you please ;)


While searching through some old files this morning I found this little poem I made some years ago... a tribute to the magical gardens at the house in the roses on rainy days... it brought back such an array of wonderful nostalgic memories... 


Here they come...
A tic-tic-tic, three rain fairies I see...
A-ramble ‘cross the garden
A-laughing-dancing on pea pebbles
I see them ‘midst yellow buttercups and happy daffodils...
Can you see them not? O'er there! Behind the bare grape vine...

They’re funny, they’re wispy, they’re green with butterfly wings....
The rain blurs my vision... now I see them now I don’t...

They hide, they play, they leap and dance...
See how they dip and dive? Is a dream is a game!

I don’t know what’s in the rain –magic?— for every time that it rains I shout and sing
and fairies come out to play...

If you ask them they'll give you a silver ring of morning glory to clasp round your neck a star...
Is magic this I know!





  1. Blessings to you.....Rain......many times takes me back to sitting on Daddy's porch, me in the swing, he in the rocking chair with feet propped up on the banister. Ahhhh,all was well with the world. Rain.. cleansing my soul. good post! Jenny S.

  2. Yes, I love the rain... Neat post.

  3. Thank you! Nice to be visiting this atmospheric place.
