Monday, December 7, 2015

December delights

A couple of years ago my spirit was broken in many little pieces by some very evil people.  Then one day my eyes were opened. I didn't have to continue proving my worth to unworthy people.  It was the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away.  And so I did. 

Things changed rather fast right after that.  In unexpected ways.  So much, that we ended up moving south after 28 years of living in the north.   

My days are absolutely wonderfully free of negative people now, free in the spirit to be free to perceive with my frail and feeble mind all the grandeur there is to see and understand around me all throughout my days. And I walk in magical days and wonderful chilly morning with warm afternoon.  Our little cottage feels cozy and peaceful and my heart is full of gratitude and awe at my Heavenly Father.

Days go by so fast now when they used to go by so very slow then...  

I can hardly believe that we're well into the season and can still go outside and do some gardening.  I spent some time today weeding and pruning.  Never in my wildest dreams I thought I would be doing this in December...

My Autumn Joy Sedums are done blooming.  They bloomed until late fall, but today I thought it was time to prune. The Sedum flowers are so attractive when dried.  They add winter interest to the garden, but also look lovely in a vase.... And they last as long as you want them to.

I wanted to bring some of the dried flowers inside, but foreseeing the mess they would make, I decided to make an outside bouquet instead...  My lamp turned flower vase here holds the dried flowers.  I didn't have a place for this vase in the house, so it's been out here all summer... in the spring, I'm planning on repainting it in another color, and maybe bring her inside again.    

Oh and have I mentioned I have a new friend?  He's a precious little thing, is he not... 

The first time I spied him wandering the gardens I thought I was seeing a vision... a flash of a white lightening going into the woods... I've been enchanted by him ever since... 

I have always loved bougainvilleas and have dream with a tall, lush bougainvillea tree like the one sheltering my mom's entrance to her little garden for as long as I can remember.  These precious plants do well in warm climates only, and our winters here are too cold for them, but for only $1 I decided I needed one.

I am learning that you can grow and care for bougainvillea plants in containers.  You just have to bring them in for the winter.  We'll just have to wait and see.

I love it with the fairy lights I put on it... among the leaves, they look like fireflights, when lightened in the evenings and early mornings.

How are your December days in your part of the world.... snowing where you are, warm, cold, lovely?  Hope you enjoy every moment gifted.






  1. I'm sorry to hear that you had to move just to get away from evil people, but it sounds like it was worth it. Peace of mind is everything, isn't it? Who is your beautiful, new friend...does he belong to a neighbor? He looks too well cared for to be a stray. The December days in my part of the world right now (USA - state of Illinois) is warmer than usual for this time of year and foggy, rainy days instead of snow - which is fine with me! We did have one snow a couple of weeks ago and it was a big one, but it all melted within a few days. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I don't know if he belongs to someone or if he's a stray, he comes and eat what I put outside for him, but never gets too close. I love seeing him around either way.


  2. Love your new friend, he is a beauty with those blue eyes. It must be wonderful for you to enjoy gardening nearly all year long. Not to mention being free to just enjoy your life without intervention from negative, evil minded people. It is always good to hear the joy in your writing over the simple things.

  3. I am so happy you are free from those negative people. You have a joyful heart, and I love seeing things through your eyes.
    I live in a very cold climate. My garden is sleeping. I have it to look forward to. I dream and plan, sometimes forgetting it is not a huge space. A quick check out the window reminds me not to think it so large.
    The white cat is very special. A lovely visitor.

  4. Hello Cielo,
    We also have very beautiful days here in Belgium, a lot of sunshine, nice temperatures, summer flowers still blooming,... and also a new cat who wants to live with us :). I'm so grateful for feeling happy about all what is giving us.
    Rita :)

  5. Cielo, you truly have such a beautiful spirit and soul, and it shows in your writings. I admire you beyond words in that you removed yourself from evil and negative energy. Thank you for sharing your stories which are always resonating with inspiration! I always look forward to your next post.

  6. Dear Cielo, how wonderful to be free of negativity! it is cold here in England, but there is always Spring around the corner!! So glad you are happy, I still remember your lovely blog House in the Roses, blessings and Happy Christmas!

  7. It's such a huge relief to just walk away and leave negative people behind. I'm glad that you are enjoying a peaceful and stress free life now. La tranquilidad no tiene precio, verdad amiga? It's been warm and windy in my neck of the woods these days. Rainy season is finally over. What a sweet and photogenic kitty! He reminds me of my Semsema with his blue eyes and snow white fur.
