Monday, August 25, 2014

The mythical phenix

The little gypsy girl thinks that the sun is a blazing bird, and that the bird has moved inside her body…

The sun-bird builds her nest in the wilderness that, like the bird itself, lives inside the little gypsy girl's body—dreams, skills and aptitudes gifted to her through generation of gypsy ancestors…

The bird stirs inside her body trapped in summer heat waves...  Feathers aflame, a flap of feverish wings... the little gypsy girl quivers.  Though closer still blinds and gypsy veils she pull to keep her colorful gypsy tent cool, the bird agitates, burning everything in a rumpus of wings...

Heat and humidity exhaust her.. evaporation is slowed, her body must work extra hard to maintain normal temperature… 

The little gypsy girl seeks the rains and bathes in morning dew trying to calm the burning bird inside her body, but the bird empowers its will… precious peace dilutes in empty songs through ring embellished fingers.  This is always, and forever, August in the South.  The little gypsy girl is not used to it.

She must fleet to the mountain without delay… it is essential that she moved quickly.  And thus, she readies herself… spilling skirts, colorful scarves covering her mane… her pink box overflowing with this and that… 

 Necessities she must carry at all times with her…

Some favorite books, her computer, a garment or two…

So down the gypsy paths she goes, seeking the cool breezes of higher grounds…

She is taking the old gypsy wagon with her... a song, a poem, her beau...

Discovering new trails, through untraveled roads…

They finally found the perfect spot...

Take out the chairs...

Park the gypsy trailer under the trees...

Fishing poles and fuzzy worms… her beau is right at home!

She embellishes her boudoir...

With gypsy candles and tea lights.

 She had traded the old velvet curtains for some lace…

White to ease the heat of summer…

But the little gypsy girl is still burning... the sun-bird inside her laughs! 
She must go to the waters...
Forget her gypsy skirts
Be free
Let her spirit soar…

She studies the skies above her head… 

And she prays and wishes and hopes.

And for a strange little moment
gentle cool breezes blew across their camp
whispering winds swayed shaggy trees...
The bird... the phoenix inside the little gypsy girl 
flew away...

Ps:  Is it this hot where you are too? I’ve been having a hard time surviving the crazy high levels of humidity we have here in the South… what a wonderful respite that was while camping in this beautiful place yesterday...

Hope you all are doing well
Sending you some magic breezes your way...


  1. well yes, this is what we who are even further south than yourself, have been trying so delicately to scream out to those who can how HOT AND UNBEARABLE this humidity and heat is and how even the plants rebel against it too, they seem to fry and show their brown edges which we feel in our own edges too....some of the plants just wilt and quickly die and the sight of them weighs upon us heavily as an omen. However one talks about this, there is no understanding at all until one experiences is heavy, and forces one to slow down into a slower motion than time, where you walk between the minutes and between the molecules of physicality hoping to be invisible to heat/moisture and too bright sun. You realize you must give in not just to the day, or the week but to an entire season, and then your body begins to understand it must become seasonal in its timing, in its function, to be not human, but as Nature....slow and seasonal.
    It is a process, but I am over it lol, giving over an entire season of summer to hiding from it..... am wanting the cooler weather now, 13 years is long enough. the north hides from the winter, there is always a compromise it seems.

  2. Cielo,
    I have lived in the south all my life, Mostly Florida but also Georgia and North Carolina, All of them are HOT and HUMID
    It's hard for people who have not experienced this kind of moist heat to understand how it sucks the life out of you! But really the only thing you have to do is change the way you do things, instead of hiding from winter you now hide from summer, summer is a time to lounge indoors in air conditioning or outside in cool water, more industrious activity is taken up in winter.
    depending on how far south you are, you will be surprised at how nice some of your plants will look in the early half of winter and you'll be able to tolerate being out doors. August is always hard in the south! Stay cool!

  3. My favorite thing about summer is having a valid excuse for my excessive sweating......Aughhhhhhhh!!!!! It's HOT here too! Usually it takes us having a bad storm to break this heat. But no let up in sight yet. Soooooo looking forward to fall. Take care in this heat. Jenny S.

  4. Over 100 here lately, but I don't think our humidity compares to yours... But it is muggy.... And my little room here at Mom's took this week to have its air conditioner break.... Ugh! I have bought a new one, but my son hurt his back helping a friend out of a ditch in his truck! Sooo I will not let him carry it in... Glad you asked? Lolol... The camping looks cool. I like the summer white curtains for coolness. You always know what to do! Hugs!

  5. "The Photograph" by Penelope Lively...

    Thank you for bringing this book and its author, to my attention.

    Her books sound delicious!

    Thank you!


  6. Yes, the Phoenix is our everpresent companion in the Southern Summer, your story tells perfectly of the heavy feeling of soggy, hot air and the need to escape to a cooler this century we have indoor air did they survive it 100 years ago?? I've lived in Mississippi for 6 years now, moved out here from Arizona with my "beau" (married 21 years) who was born and raised here in Mississippi. Don't try to let people tell you the the "dry" heat of the desert is easier to bear!! An oven is an oven. BUT, this southern landscape is so breathtakingly green and lush, and there are lakes and running rivers, and the price I have to pay is to retreat to a darkened house during the worst of the heat, then I'll do it. The summer desert before the monsoon rains arrive is brown. Brown, with light brown accents.

    I enjoy your posts so much, Gypsy Girl. You'll savor the outdoors in just a few more weeks, because Fall is on its way :)

    P.S. Have you discovered the southern drink called Sweet Tea? It will cool you down, too!

  7. August is almost over and I can't wait!!! THE change is coming soon. It is true what they say in the earlier comments. We have to endure only one month of horrible heat and be prized with a longer gardening season and mild winters. It is only one month that as musicians we suffer outdoors at parties and funerals. Funerals are usually done around 11, 12 or 1PM. When the temperature in Texas is rapidly rising. But, we still endure because after all, we are saying farewell to a person's existence on this earth and it is the least we can do right??
    I loved the format to your story today. The soundtrack really fit it. I never tire of that melody.
