Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In the summer garden

This is summer alright… delightful summer time.  And I’m learning to love those Southern summers just as they come… with their levels of humidity and all.  Except, perhaps, for the mosquitoes and those awful awful chiggers—my most ferocious enemies in my lovely jungle after the weeds, I’m truly loving the South…  

I guess I will have to learn how to live with chigger bites and the painful welts and persistent need to scratch they leave in your skin for days and days… I have learn that taking a warm bath right after I’ve been outside and using plenty of soap really helps.  So I’m taking lots and lots of warm bubble baths during my days… something I’ve always truly enjoyed anyways.   Yippee! ;)

I’m a mellow person by nature… an easy going free spirit type of a girl who hardly ever almost never gets infuriated, or angry at anything, or anybody… but this morning while working in the garden I felt preposterously out of myself…  I did.  Annoyed at previous owners of our precious little white cottage whom instead of using a regular garbage service for the removal of their trash, like everyone else does, had for a custom to burn it—burn all of their trash right here in my precious dear garden.  I cannot understand this concept and would never ever accept it. 

And thus, I have started digging again and removing sod… and trash… lots of it, on the other side of the garden, because I want to open another path there and then add pea gravel—lovely river pebbles that shine when touched by the sun, as I have done on the other side of the garden… but this had certainly proven a most arduous and revolting task...  

I have been finding and removing all sorts of things since the day I started gardening our lot… from broken glass to odd objects and strange stuff to dozens and dozens of cans of beer.  But today… remains of a dead person?  Some type of an animal buried there?  Perhaps relics of some old witch secretly buried there?   Something very odd buried there for sure, for I have been discovering some thick strands of something white like hair attached to something… skin?  Like the smoldered fur of some type of an animal… or like if someone had cut their white hair and decided to bury it among a concoction of other creepy things… and then, for some added horror, this afternoon I also discovered several big pieces of decomposed wood buried in the same place… perhaps parts of a very old coffin?  Ohh!

I’m sure I’m standing right on the epicenter where those zombies used to burn their stuff... and tried to cover up something unspeakable… something far more appalling?  Do you suppose?

Oh and have I ever mentioned that these were lands of the Cherokee Nation years and years ago?  One of the most significant Cherokee Indian sites in the nation, by the way… and our little white cottage is standing right on it.  Can you imagine?  Oh I do hope I hadn’t disturbed an ancient Indian grave instead… can you not see it… oh can you not?   

I can surely write an entire mystery book on this stuff might I want to… but better not share my version. Imagination can be a dangerous thing… Oh it's the woods... that dark, mysterious kingdom right at the edge of the garden... that's what gets my imagination all fired up...  don't you just love it!  It is indeed a most glorious place at all times of day... and I love it.

I love to go outside in the darkness of night and see whatever transpire there when no one is watching… if you dare go outside sometime you will see how trees would change into their night-time forms and transform into guardsmen and wizards and creatures untold…  It's creepy out there really, but amazingly wonderful too...

 Dream on... dreamer!

Come on my friend...

Yes yes you and you and you too!

It's summer

Let's all dream together!

Love ya all!



  1. Oh Cielo. all I can say is ewww! And I can fully sympathize with you because I have had the exact same problem up at our mountain house that we bought 3 years ago. We bought it newly built and not quite finished from someone who had grown tired of dealing with construction workers. I soon discovered that the workers had buried everything in the front yard. As I dug holes for my roses and my grapevines, I found beer bottles, beer cans, old rags, nails, tuna cans, pieces of gypsum...you name it. All that garbage caused my grapevines to fail and I had to move them to a different part of the yard. Ditto for some of the roses that I planted on the side where there is the most garbage buried. It´s disgusting. I know exactly how you feel. Thankfully I haven´t found anything dead and hope I never do!

    1. I was afraid that if I planted something there where all that garbage remains it wouldn't grow... now I know for sure after reading about your grapevines.... thank you for commenting this and for letting me know I'm not the only one who has ever experienced something like that... ;)

      Abrazos y un saludo mi amiga!


  2. Ooooohhhh.....myyyyyyyy! I love the proximity of those amazing woods...lovely, dark, deep... Promises to keep... Miles to go before you sleep.... I hope you don't find anything too horrid as you dig. It sounds bad enough. Love the beautiful flowers.

    1. I love those woods too... so close to our house and gardens... yet never on the way of sunshine... love it!


  3. Ah those deep, dark woods... Gayla's comment reminded me of your old neighbor, Frederick Minton and his companion Simon.
    Do you ever wonder what became of your old neighbor from the Here and Now house? And here you are in your little white cottage on the edge of another dark, wooded area, but this one seems much more sinister, giving up secrets of zombies and buried clues of a dark history. Perhaps the spirits of the Cherokee people call to you and share their wisdom of nature.
    I would suggest gardening gloves for this next phases of your garden if you are finding such nasty things already.
    Summer is definitely for dreaming and those who come to visit here are in very good company to indulge this pastime.

    1. Oh Sherry we do... we must get ready for another story.... think think think... the woods... the crows, the witches and all of a sudden..... Simon! Where have you cometh from? And where is your owner--the man with the dark blue mysterious eyes... oh I'm on fire... ;) It's so hot around here... almost 100 degrees... it it! ;)


  4. You make your southern summers such magical times. You've got a gorgeous garden and I think adding a new path would make it look even more beautiful. I'm loving the way you look at your garden and your imagination, which is the perfect trait for a fine gardener. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely pictures and your wonderful thoughts. All the best to you!

    Bethel Woodard @ Sollecito

    1. Thank you for your comment... it inspires me to continue dreaming and bringing my life's visions here and share them with you all... thank you.


  5. Glad you're safely home from your trip. But Gosh! You're already busy out in your gardens again. Sooo full of energy. But you make this world a better place. And we out here thank you for that. May you always be as adventurous as you are now and always young at heart. Jenny

  6. I simply can not understand people who litter, whether it be takeaway containers thrown on the street or in their own garden. I too moved house recently and the previous owners threw their rubbish out of the windows! I keep finding disposable razors as I weed. Yuk! Keep up the good work Cielo!, xo, Rachel.
