Sunday, October 30, 2016

Dreaming silly stories on beautiful autumnal days

It is that time of the year!.... yes yes, time to dream, imagine and become some sorts of a lost novelist of silly, spooky stories of mysterious woods and enchanted gardens! 

Oh yes, it happens every year.  Something in me, a sorts of excitement and delicious joyfulness take over me changing me into someone different.  I guess is something to do with the gloriousness of autumn all around... all that excitement hanging from naked tree branches and crimsoned leaves, the pure, crisp air of lovely mornings and singing winds, the lonesome woods coming alive with voices unknown, and the joy of warm scarves and boots.  The entire world covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon all around!  Do you feel the same way I do?  I know you do!  We share so much in common!

There, behind our gardens, there lives an old crone.  In and out she comes and goes as she pleases... On certain magical evenings, just before the sun goes down, I can see her from my window collecting twigs from the woods... always absorbed in the invisible; dreaming a dream that never begins nor ends... cause, well, that's just how she is...

Oh, do you see what I see?  The barrier between the worlds has turned whisper-thin, magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet songs, and the witches are returning home...

Oh yes my dears, I'm finally home after another weekend out, and ready to enjoy our little white cottage for a few more weeks before soaring the skies again.  And the sun has taken a step back, and the leaves are lulling themselves to sleep and the glories of autumn have awakened the entire land. The inside of our little cottage feels delightfully cozy and the feeling I get there are the same I get when I'm outside... happiness, delight, anticipation and a tremendous love for life.    

I can hardly wait to start decorating for the holidays, already talking about bringing in all the Christmas decorations, and buying those little lighted Christmas trees I saw the other day to embellish our front door.  Of course, I'm adding more little lights to my windows for some extra enchantment...

I found the cutest teacups this weekend.  The old crone who lives in my forest has asked me if she could borrow them for her Moon Tea.  Rose petals, yarrow and strawberry leaf.  "All plants belonging to Venus", she says.  She wants the moon to vivify the heart healing, beautifying and protective energies of her herbs, so she's letting her herbs infused into water under the cooler, night time moon beams to charge and infuse, allowing the deeper and more intuitive vibrations of each plant to shine. 

"It really is a lovely thing", she added with a deep, creepy cackle of witches... "just add herbs to water in a clean vessel and let the moon shine upon it for as long as possible".  She explained that when she makes moon tea, she gets up early to collect it from outside before the sun can hit it. "This is a very important part of the process for me, it must not be touched by the sun after the moon charges it."  

Now, I don't know about you, but I want nothing to do with any witches' waters.  For I am a daughter of the Sun, and have nothing to do with the moon, except for writing poems and pretty things about it... plus, I've already mentioned how on those lovely, magical days of autumn I become some sorts of a lost novelist of silly stories, so I hope you don't mind my silliness and think I may favor the dark in any way, cause I just don't.  K?  ;)

Starting tomorrow, I will be spending my days in my lovely autumnal garden, dreaming, dancing, singing and becoming one with my surroundings... 

I hope you enjoy every moment of your life, wherever you are...  oh, and dare to look within yourself, make your own rules, be happy and never forget to be free.  Be the beautiful you, that you are! See you all soon!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Where is home?

I just arrived last evening from that part of the country where sits an old house in the roses, and where part of my heart still lives, and where I've been for the past ten days taking care of two precious darling smart loving wonderful little girls who are the light of my heart, while their parents went on a little vacation.  The landscape of the northwest is already immersed in its full autumnal glories; trees and shrubs are dressed in magical gowns and robes of vivid reds, toasted browns and bright yellows, and when you drive down those open country roads, you cannot help but being in total awe at the beauty and openness of a landscape that allows the vision of the entire world around you, in a grand, sweeping view of openness and endless golden fields and skies that portray all the truest and magical colors of it and forms of clouds...  Oh how I miss that place, and how part of my heart will always be there. 

I miss my little girls terribly, and felt deeply melancholic last night, particularly upon discovering the precious little notes they had tucked away secretly in my suitcase... I wanted then to become a little migrating bird and fly home, but I don't know exactly where home is, and the Fisherman was fervently waiting for my return too, and greeted me at the airport with a beautiful bouquet of red roses.  I can read his gentle heart, and felt sad for him, for I knew how much he had missed me.  

Last night, I walked our little white cottage from side to side and top to bottom, flinging wide every doors of every room to pause on every threshold and just drink in my surroundings, with the familiar arrangements of furniture and whatnots... and thought my heart felt loved, and warm and welcomed, still my soul glided about the quieted house feeling homesick, thought right at home... 

With the first light of day today, however, slowly came off the melancholic, colorless gowns of the night before, and I found myself wanting to explore my little world outside, which is already immersed in full autumnal swing too, with myriads of leaves covering every inch of ground, and gardens that seems to applaud my return.  This morning while at breakfast, birds were everywhere.  It was a most enchanting thing to see this great amount of birds taking possession of our gardens and pond, and it was as if they were showing their happiness for my return too, a welcoming show of sorts that kept my heart beating with the assurance that I am where I need to be. 

I went outside later and looked all around me... "I am here", I swung wide my arms to the voice of autumn and the lonely woods and to those trees.  "I am here", I repeated silently.   Did I dream all this?  And I suddenly wished to tell my little world something large, something to show that my trust in God hasn't been misplaced—how this migration of sorts to the south, which on many a days it is still not totally understood by us, and even regretted it, had lodged in me and grown... 

I have a lot more to share, but for now my heart is slowly adapting to my usual life and surroundings again, and that's all I can write for now.  I thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes and worries left out here for me to see and read...  I appreciate you all, and because I have come to know you by your comments and comings here, you are now dear friends to me, and I am always imagining you, how you may look, or how your laugh may sound, and whenever I go to places and smile and say hi to people I don't know, I like to think that that might be you, or you or you... and well, it makes me feel good ;).  Thank you for being here my friend!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The October girl

The little white cottage feels wonderfully cool for the first time in a long while, and it is a most delicious coolness. One that harmonizes perfectly with feelings of comfort and happiness and all the coziness and glorious essence of home, and happy October days.  This is because temperatures have dropped considerably, with 56 degrees in the early morning, and days are sunny, and perfect, with gentle cool winds sending showers of leaves all over my little world.

From somewhere around the pond comes the enchanting music of a solo singer cricket.  I listen to its wild notes and wish I could become one with him, crawl under the Elephant ears plants and yellowish-green Creeping Jenny and find his dwelling place.  His dwindling, enchanting music can only reaffirm those magical, wonderful feeling that already the month of October convey, and you cannot help but feeling transported to some unknown, magical place only you know.  You know you have been there before, walked there, been there on those extraordinary moments in life when, on looking around you, you grab life by its wings and decide to go soar with it.  That's just how enchanting October days are to me...    

The pond is collecting myriads of beautiful golden leaves too... which I love, although the Fisherman dislikes it, and keeps reminding me that we need to winterize the pond and put the net on to protect it from these very same things I so love... and the water is clear, and bubbling and the fishes seem to be so happy too, wiggling and moving so fast, as if they too have been imbued with these feelings of happiness hanging from the fingertips of these first crispy days of autumn..

...and the light filtering through the trees in the woods at the edge of the garden has a magical quality to it, giving us reason to think that night is already upon us while it really is still daylight. 

An olive-gray light that illuminates everything it touches with magic and wonder and a heart filled with a new joy and immense gratitude for everything that's good.  And all around me appears glorious, and infinite beautiful, making me want to wear layers and layers of puffy long skirts, dance with invisible angels and sing like Andra Day. 

Hadn't I said before that I am an October child?  Oh, but I am.  I am a Libra.  And all day long today it will be my birthday. 

If you are a Libra, then we must share a lot of similarities as far as personality goes.  Who comes up with all these things about us Libras I don't know, but what they say is so incredibly accurate, and true, it is frightening.

And that's it!  
Hope you have a lovely day wherever you are, my friend.  
And thanks for coming by.  
You make this day, an extra special day just by being here!


Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Elephant Ear Path

The new season it really is upon us now.  A rather enchanting breeze is shaking shaggy tired heads of maples and black oaks, and sassafras, willows and sugarberries are turning thin and sparse in leaves.  I love these feelings of wonder and joy, so proper of the pre-autumnal season when the land is turning in for its needed slumber, and the atmosphere conveys this delicious tinge of winter and there is this awareness of something inexplicable, and mysterious and extraordinarily magical overflowing your perceptions.  My heart doesn't love farewells, yet I still find a reflection of my soul in all which is dying.

We've been doing a great deal of traveling lately, and still will be pretty much engaged in doing so until the end of the year, hence the few days and hours spent in our little white cottage with its peaceful, rural atmosphere are deeply treasured, and enjoyed. I am thankful for all the wonderful opportunities and commodities life have gifted us with in this new stage of our lives, but I often find my heart silently yearning for the solitude that the absence of social responsibilities and the meeting of people allows.       

My heart embraces the hope that autumnal days bring.  I walk in the garden, and wait for the falling leaf.  October's enchantment swirls around me... like a grasshopper's song I hear it.  High in the maple trees its voice rings. I am a dancing autumn leaf, a locust slowly grinding the silence that October brings under a moon waning and broken, and tired with summer.  Over my soul October murmurs its benediction, while I gaze at a garden so ready to sleep.  I welcome you, autumn!

I can never seem to have enough time of my days to enjoy my little white cottage adequately.  I love it so much... and there's so much my senses want to drink-in, and feel, and hear and live!   Days are magical.  The heat has receded and cool breezes sway away the garden to a sweet sleep all day long. I hear the crows preparing their winter dwelling places somewhere deep in the woods and I want to follow them there... follow them into the woods, which these days are starting to thin out, letting extra sunshine soak its floors in light and magical goodness.  

The Queen grew a mint plant on her head this summer... 

...but then one day the mint was gone, and Nature decided she should wear a crown of wildflower greens instead, and placed one there...   

In the evening, the tiny yellow flowers close and go to sleep... then, the winds would drop their own jewels on the Queen's head for a pop of autumnal color... Nature does an amazing job in its capricious ways of embellishing our precious world, does she not!   

And then, it is not the moon, oh I tell you... it is the begonias enchanting the gardens all throughout the summer, and still doing so...

This is why I work so hard in the garden... 

Last fall I decided I should create a new flowerbed.  I made concrete stepping stones using the large elephant ear plants as mold, and removed all the sod by hand, all by myself.  

Then early this spring I filled the new flowerbed with begonias and later added dozens of blazing star bulbs.  I learned that begonias require time to get established and they should be planted when the spring sun is sufficiently strong and days of late winter are long gone.  Because it was my first time experimenting with these delicacies and planted them too early, I was only to be disappointed at how poorly they were performing.  Finally, I was forced to remove several plants, and swore never to plant begonias again. But then this summer I had to reconsider... The blazing stars filled up the spaces with purple glories that only added to the beauty of the lovely pinks... 

Now at the end of summer my begonias are huge, and keep adding beauty to the garden...
I am so happy...

Oh I am an October child for sure... by right of birth, and by right of the soul... 

I hope you are enjoying these lovely days of October, wherever you are!