Friday, September 25, 2015

In the garden and at sea!

There’s a delicious nippiness hanging from the fingertips of mornings...

And the skies posses that magical crispy blue-pink tint to it that 
makes you believe you're walking on a fairytale.

The field around the woods
have come alive again...
I'm collecting some its jewels
to adorn my soul with them...

Completely, perfectly, incandescently happy!

These are the kind of days that imbue your soul with dreams and hopes 
and everything that's good...

Peace in your soul
Moonlight on your window...
And then, in the garden, the air smells like sugar cane 
and it is sweet with the faint scents of vanilla fragrance 
wafting from wild honeysuckle 
and butterfly bushes.  

Wispy fairy-like butterflies are everywhere

Magical jewels of the garden

To adorn my soul with...

Large yellow and black bees hanging around

Rose bushes blooming like crazy

Still unbelievable beautiful at this time of year! 

The pond is looking prettier than ever...
My heart is humbled... 
Do you believe your dreams can come true? 
Believe believe, always believe!...

Roses more beautiful that ever...

Can you believe this~
Petal-filled magical corridors!
I'm I dreaming?  
I can't believe this is the same place of  just a year ago!..
I'm sure if I pay close attention I can see the wood fairies
making lovely head garlands with all those petals...
Seasons mingling...
crimson radiance bursting through.

The mingling of seasons, the tango between summer and autumn...

Look around you, open your eyes—really open them. 
Life is fleeting; pay attention to your surroundings and love every minute of it.

I know this is a long post with lots of photographs, but I wanted to leave you plenty of inspiration around in case you'd want to come back whilst I am away... Yes yes, I am going away for a few days on a cruise!! For an entire week, in fact! Can you imagine a week at sea without being able to visit Pinterest! Unbearable! I've never been on one of those humongous ships in my entire life and I'm a bit antsy about it... First, I won't think I'm not standing on land, of course... and then, I know for a fact that I won't be using the pools, hot tubs and water slides. Neither will I visit the roller blade track, ice skating rink, no rock climbing wall or basketball/volleyball/tennis court for me, no pool tables, game room, etc... Boy what I bore I am! Do you think there may be a Japanese garden somewhere in that ship where I can go read and write and talk to the birds? OK darlings, wish me luck would you! ;) We're leaving on Sunday.... see you all soon!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Black White Gold Home Design

It is no secret...  I am swoon over the mix of black and white...  

Head over heels for bold patterned black and white designs

Black and white is sophisticated, chic, and timeless. 
From horizontal stripes to dots, spots, to all sorts of graphics... 
I'm head over heels in love.

Ah yes, black and white is good, but if you add some gold to this combo, things can really become luxurious and irresistible...  

Soooo... I've been incorporating some gold/metallic in my style lately....

and loving it!

A luxury combination I must follow, I can tell you that! ;) 

Black and white, and patterned gold pillows....  


Instead of a throw, I'm using a favorite scarf wrap fashioned with gold threads on the sofa....
it adds some texture and visual interest, with a luxurious touch, that I love.

A little gift box that I decorated using paint, wrapping paper and Mod Podge...

Lots of black and white patterns everywhere...

Loving all those gold touches!

What do you think?  Do you like it?

We are being gifted with some very specially glorious days... like today.  Such divine days to be outside and work the garden and experience all the beauty bursting around and about everywhere I turn.  

The fields are blooming again, and I'm spending my days collecting wildflowers.  There has been rain in the night, and the whole garden seems to be singing.  Birds too, are enjoying these cool days as much as I am.  They come in by the dozens and you can find them at any time of day fluttering around the garden from tree to tree, chasing each other, and having a ball of a kind round the bird feeders...  

They were all out today, so it seemed, and the garden was enchanted by their songs.  I have brought in little posies of wildflowers from round our little white cottage, and they're such a delight.  I have filled almost every jar and pretty mugs I could find with their wild glories, and I go from room to room admiring at everything I see.  

My heart sings its adorations to the Great Invisible--ever present God I serve, for all His blessings upon this speck of dust that I am.  And oh, it seems so greedy of me to keep so much loveliness to oneself... I wish and long to share all this with you, my kindred spirit friends who visit me here--this very special place I so love....  so there, receive all the blessings I am sending your way via prayers and good wishes...  And thanks for being here my friends!



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My autumn happiness

Deliciousness under clear, blue skies and mornings clad in the color of early autumnal sunshine. 

Deliciousness under the canopy of trees way above a little white cottage 
and the girl with wild hair who lives in those woods...

And this obliging, delicious warmth with a russet tad of autumnal nippiness in it... 

How glorious... how wonderful these early days of autumn are! 

And how glorious the feelings they bring into my heart...  

...of family and friends, of leaves gently rushing down from somnolent canopies all over my soul... like a mystical golden, russet rain.  

And the scents and tastes of pumpkin spice, fresh picked apples, cinnamon and cloves... the glow of lamps through windows, candles flickering... 

Autumn is fluttering about my little world like a mystical butterfly...  

Is that how you feel too?  Do you see it?  Do you feel it in the atmosphere?  I think you know what I'm referring to... ah yes, you too have seen it!  The shift, the embrace of summer and autumn, the sky in transition...  summer transitions into fall.

I work in the garden and my heart wonders, I sweep and fluff up cushions in the front port and my soul sings.  And I wonder and marvel and sing at massive trees circling our little cottage in fortress-like manners... in manners of angels like trees...  

and butterflies in wings of orange china paper. 

I water roses and talk to birds, I pull capricious weeds and fill feeders and sweep food debris from squirrels and feathered creatures of the air and wonder and marveled and thank the Great I Am who speaks to my heart in the infinitude of voices in nature...

And is it this the same place of just a mere year ago?
I have to wonder...

I am in awe.  I am standing on a miracle...

Days melting away in a dream of pink  and purple peace...

Do you love autumn?  I love love autumnal days.  

Dancing on tippy toes on the tip of the world.  
Growing wings somewhere in my soul; 
pansies and elephant ears in the hollow of my hands...  

It is called late summer happiness mingling with autumn happiness...

that's what it is! ;)

What is it about autumn that enchants us! 

Do you love all the changes taking place all around us?

Autumn... when incidentally, the world turns magical.